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3 Tips To Help You Find The Right Engagement Ring

3 Tips To Help You Find The Right Engagement Ring

Engagements rings have a strong symbolic and sentimental value. Buying an engagement ring is a significant milestone in one’s life, so there’s a lot of pressure to find a ring that stands out and matches the wearer’s personal style. If you’re looking for the perfect ring, you may feel overwhelmed with the vast range of options. The classic diamond solitaire ring will probably never go out of fashion, but there are now other unique options to consider.

Here are three tips to help you find the right engagement ring.

1. Think of a Suitable Style

When looking for the perfect ring, you will discover different styles and designs. However, all engagement rings fall under the following categories: traditional, chic, contemporary, or romantic.

The solitaire setting with single gold bands is the traditional engagement ring style that has been popular for decades. Many couples still prefer this classic style. In the chic category, you will find those rings that attract attention with an outsized diamond or multiple diamonds arranged in stylish patterns.

Contemporary designs have an outside-the-box feel and generally mix metals and stones. For romantic couples, an engagement ring with heart-shaped diamonds or other small romantic details can be an excellent choice.

2. Look Into Custom Designs Online

If you value originality and don’t want to feel restricted by what is available in the brick-and-mortar stores in your area, turn your attention online. You will find a wide range of designs and styles, and you will also find stores that offer custom designs at very reasonable prices. There are better ways to buy an engagement ring than wasting hours going from store to store.

Book a virtual meeting with a top diamond jewelry manufacturer like Kimberfire and discuss your design preferences. You’ll get a unique engagement ring without the traditional jewelry store cost. You’ll also get free delivery if you’re in Canada.

3. Get Accurate Measurements

This tip is especially relevant if you plan to order the engagement ring online or you’re not shopping with your partner. Not getting accurate measurements can lead to a frustrating experience for everyone. It’s incredibly easy to lose a ring that is just a tiny bit larger than it should be. Wearing a ring that cuts off circulation is also not ideal. Since an engagement ring is a big investment of money and effort, getting the right size is critical.

For maximum accuracy, take at least two measurements. How to find the right size? Wrap a piece of string around the base of the finger you want to measure, then use a pen to mark the point where the string overlaps.

In Conclusion

A marriage proposal is a memorable event, and the engagement ring plays a vital role here. Even though finding the right ring can take a while, it is important to be patient in your search and buy something you truly love. The engagement ring will become the most cherished piece of jewelry you or your partner owns.


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