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5 Reasons To Consider Probiotics For Acne

5 Reasons To Consider Probiotics For Acne

Acne is one of the most common and frustrating skin conditions. One of the remedies said to clear out acne is probiotics, which are ingredients that boost the growth and development of good bacteria in the body.

True probiotics are normally live organisms present in fermented foods like yogurt. When you ingest them, they assist in bettering your digestive tract’s microbiome, normalizing your gut bacteria, and reducing inflammation throughout your body, even the skin.

AAD Recommendation Of Using Probiotics For Acne

The American Academy Of Dermatology recommends that if you are interested in using probiotics to treat acne, you should talk with your doctor. They will advise you on adding foods that are rich in healthy probiotics or taking oral supplements.

Some of the foods that contain probiotics include yogurt, kimchi, kefir, pickled foods, tempeh, and sauerkraut. If you are using foods to boost your probiotics levels, ensure that they have ‘live and active’ cultures.

If you want to use probiotics supplements like capsules or pills, ensure that they contain Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus Acidophilus.

You should also consult your doctor about using topical probiotics to help you protect your skin from external harmful microorganisms.

Combining foods rich in probiotics, supplements, and topical probiotics gives you a better chance at permanently dealing with acne.

How To Choose The Best Probiotics For Acne?

There are a lot of different types of probiotics available, and while researchers have not looked into the properties of each of them, they have identified some that have beneficial results in treating acne.

When choosing probiotics to treat your acne, you should look for the beneficial types.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus also referred to as L. Acidophilus and Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium, also called L. Bifidobacterium, are some of the commonly known probiotics strains that have beneficial impacts in treating acne.

5 Reasons To Try Probiotics For Acne

1. Skin protective shield

When you apply topical probiotics to your skin, they form a protective shield or barrier. That helps block undesirable organisms like bacteria, toxins, and fungi from coming into contact with your skin and triggering acne or other issues.

2. Antimicrobial action

When used orally or topically, probiotics attack and kill bad bacteria and harmful microbes that may cause skin inflammation that leads to acne.

3. Calms the brain/gut/skin connection

There is a connection between what happens in the brain, the gut, and the skin. When there are harmful microbes in the body, the immune system jumps to try and fight them, which causes inflammation.

When you use probiotics orally or topically, they calm that inflammation.

4. Blocks production of acne-causing bacteria

When you use probiotics topically, they inhibit the production of Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria that causes acne.

5. Restores moisture to the skin

If your skin is dry due to over-exfoliation or environmental factors, applying probiotics restores its natural moisture, which prevents breakouts, sensitivity, irritation, and redness.

Side Effects Of Probiotics For Acne

Using probiotics to treat acne and other skin conditions does not have any notable major side effects. However, taking them orally may stir things up a little in the digestive system, which may increase your breakouts.

Therefore, you should consult with your doctor before you start the treatment. You should also not use probiotics orally if you are breastfeeding or pregnant before consulting your doctor.

Probiotics are an effective way to deal with acne and other skin issues, mainly because it does not introduce any foreign and harmful chemicals to your body and skin.

However, just like all other treatments, do not overuse it, and if you use it for the first time, observe its effects on you before using it regularly.


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