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Get Well Wishes For A Speedy Recovery

Get Well Wishes For A Speedy Recovery

One of the saddest inconveniences a person can experience is to be sick and stuck to a hospital or sick bed. It is the wish of everyone to be healthy, sound and up and doing. Therefore, a situation that keeps one unhealthy or ill calls for quick medical attention and above all, kind get well wishes to hasten the healing process.

Get well wishes date back to ancient Chinese times and are still in trend thousands of years later. Below are some get well wishes for speedy recovery which you can send to your sick loved one:

Best Messages Get Well Soon For A Speedy Recovery

1: It is my most sincere wish that you recover speedily from the sickness which ails you.

2: We are earnestly praying for your speedy recovery. Get well soon.

3: If you could see our faces right now, you would know we are serious about your getting well. We pray you recover quickly.

4: I hope you get well very soon. I miss you.

5: I wish that you get well fast and hope it won’t be delayed.

6: A sweet person like you should not stay sick. Here I am, praying for your quick recovery.

7: Ensure you comply fully with your doctor’s directives so that you will get well soon. I need you strong and well.

8: Though your diet presently isn’t as you are used to, it won’t be for long. Get well soon.

9: You are strong and have a brave spirit. You can fight that ill health. Get well soon!

10: Don’t be discouraged; you will be healed completely. I pray you recover fast.

Get Well Soon Wishes For A Speedy Recovery

11: It is my desire to see you bounce back to health within the shortest period of time.

12: Congratulations on scaling through the most pathetic part of your illness. I pray you recover from the remaining easy part fast.

13: I wasn’t happy in any way when I heard that you took ill. I am quite hopeful that you will be hale and hearty in no distant time.

14: I look forward to hearing your energetic voice the next time I call you. Recover fast, please.

15: Whenever I hear that you are sick, my heart sinks into my stomach. It is not a good news and I want you to know that I am praying for a very quick healing for you.

16: I don’t want you to keep staying in the hospital. Get well soon so as to be discharged from there.

17: I was told you are getting well. I want you to get well fully very, very soon.

18: Focus on nothing but to get well very soon. I sorely miss your lively company.

19: I am sorry I am not there with you through your recovery process. My thoughts are with you, and I want to see you fit soon.

20: My heart is with you. I pray that you get healed soon.

21: With so much love, I wish you the speediest recovery. Get well soon!

22: I pray you receive divine healing which will quicken you back to your healthy self.

23: This should be the last time you will be confined to the hospital over a sickness. Get well soonest.

24: Everyone at home is expecting your arrival from the hospital. Don’t keep us waiting for long. Recover soon.

25: I miss the times we shared together. I want you back to your feet, fit and strong. Get well soon.

26: It is weeks to your birthday. I don’t want to bring you a cake while you are in the hospital. Think about it, and be motivated to spring back to health very soon.

27: I am confident that you will soon be back to health. I am sure because I know you are a resilient fighter. Get well soon.

28: My thoughts are with you. My prayers for your quick recovery have reached the heavens. Sooner than later, you will bounce back to health. I am sure of that.

29: You can’t imagine how much I have missed you. I pray your healing comes fast.

30: The office isn’t the same ever since you went on your sick leave. It is obvious someone special is missing. Hearing that you are still in the hospital breaks our heart. We want you healed fast and back with us.

Get Well Soon Wishes For A Speedy Recovery

31: If I am asked who shouldn’t get sick, I will mention your name first. It isn’t nice that you are sick now. Get well soon.

32: This sickness isn’t unto death. I know you will come out of it, stronger and better.

33: You are a conqueror, that is why I am not fearful about your condition now. Get well soon!

34: Sorry about the injury you sustained. I pray you receive wholeness and the full use of that part of your body. I want that to happen very soon.

35: Enclosed within this message are the warmest wishes for you to get well soon.

36: The next time I visit you, be ready to receive healing bear hugs from me. I want you healed soonest!

37: I am convinced that in no distant time, you will be back home, whole and healed. Get well very soon.

38: From the deepest part of my heart, I pray that you get well soon enough. I need you back to health.

39: Indeed, you are a force to be reckoned with. I know you can fight this cancer to a standstill. I am waiting for the good news. Get well quickly.

40: The ease with which you handle the ailment that befell you is to be envied. I believe you will be stronger soonest. I’m pretty sure of that.

41: I have always known that you are a strong person but I can see you are much stronger. I have never seen a more courageous person like you in the face of sickness. I wish you a very quick recovery.

42: I marvel at the rate at which you are recovering from sickness. Keep it up. Be completely healed soon.

43: We can see you are worn out and worried about this unfortunate health condition. However, we are reassuring you that it will pass away. You will be healed faster than you anticipated. Hold on and recover soon.

44: What you went through wasn’t an easy one. You passed through a hellish sickness and came out victorious. I wish you a very speed recovery.

45: The prayers of your loved ones are quite intense over your ill health. Your recovery will be the ready answer we have been waiting for. Get well soon.

46: I believe that angels are ministering unto you. I believe you will be better soon. I truly believe so.

47: For the moments missed, I will surely make them up to you. I pray for your absolute healing soon.

48: Don’t get worried over your long stay in the hospital. The most important thing is for you to get your health back and speedily. I pray you recover quickly.

49: I am happy that you pulled through surgery. It was a complex procedure, I was told, but you were able to make it. I earnestly hope that you will heal from your wounds quickly.

50: Have all the rest that you can afford. Eat all the meals that your appetite longs for. All I desire from them all is your total recovery and exit from the hospital.

Get Well Soon Wishes For A Speedy Recovery

51: I want you to know that distance isn’t a barrier to my heartfelt prayers for your health state. You are always on my mind, and I never hesitate to petition heaven concerning your challenge. Get well soon.

52: I can’t wait to come and celebrate with you over your healing. I am itchy for a huge partying. Just get better soon, please.

53: Certainly, our thoughts are with you. We won’t relent in praying until you become stronger and healthier.

54: I never knew I would miss you this much. I had taken your bubbly, healthy self for granted. Now, I know for sure that your liveliness is priceless. I really want you to come back to your normal, healthy nature. I have learned better. Recover fast, please.

55: Sweet darling, it is my sincere prayer that you get healed quickly and find your way back home. Our kids are missing you terribly. So do I. Make it very fast, please.

56: I wonder how you are able to swallow those bitter pills daily. I can’t imagine doing same. That shows you are quite the superman between us. Get well soon.

57: You have been sick for long but that shouldn’t discourage you in any way. Soon, you will get up and walk away from the hospital, healthy and alive. That is my confidence and prayer.

58: Your smiles always give me hope that you are taking each day, one step at a time. I pray that you get better soonest.

59: I look forward to the time I will see you bouncing around like a fresh ball of energy. Meanwhile, get well soon!

Also Read: Funny Get Well Soon Messages And Wishes


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