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Healthy Kids 101: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Happy and Fit Children

Healthy Kids 101: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Happy and Fit Children

The United States commemorates Child Health Day on the first Monday of every October. On this day, several child welfare agencies collaborate to promote the significance of child health. Unfortunately, despite numerous medical advancements, ensuring a healthy lifestyle for children is still a pipe dream for many parents.

There is no denying that raising healthy children is an ongoing task that requires continuous effort. But if you stick to the following science-backed guidelines, you will be making a huge difference in your kid’s well-being as they grow older:

1. Encourage physical activities

Nowadays, most children spend their time using electronic devices. According to the CDC, children between the ages of 8 and 10 spend an average of six hours daily in front of screens, while kids aged 11 to 14 spend about nine hours per day doing the same. You should and can change this habit by encouraging physical activities.

Physical activities improve cardiovascular health, muscular strength, bone density, and flexibility. Moreover, active children are less likely to be overweight or obese and have a lower risk of developing health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

One of the best ways to incorporate physical activities into your child’s routine is to provide them with a secure environment. As a parent, you are responsible for ensuring your child’s play area is safe , and the equipment is reliable. When children get hurt while playing or encounter a bad experience, you might have difficulty pursuing them to play again.

Remember, you must be careful when selecting activities for your children, especially if they are keeping up with childbirth injuries. To learn more about these types of injuries, check out a credible source like this one:

2. Make your kids eat fruits and vegetables

Your child’s diet should include fruits and vegetables. These nutrient-rich foods are vital to their development. The majority of babies begin their diet with fruit and vegetables. However, children can be picky eaters, and this habit often extends to fruits and vegetables, eventually leading to children avoiding them.

At this point, many parents try to force their children to consume more fruits and vegetables. But these tactics often fail. Children learn by example. Therefore, making fruits and vegetables part of your diet is the best way. Even though it might take some time, this is the best way to teach children.

Depending on age and gender, your child should consume at least two servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables daily for optimal nutrition. That said, a single bowl of strawberries and a big plate of iceberg lettuce will not cut it. Since no fruit or vegetable contains all the nutrients our body needs, eating a variety of them is the only way to ensure your child meets daily requirements.

3. Set an early sleep time

According to research, sleeping before midnight leads to sound slumber. Throughout the night, we undergo multiple mild and deep sleep cycles. But the longest deep sleep cycles occur early in the night. During these stages, our brains perform necessary actions such as replacing essential cells, mending muscles, and releasing growth hormones.

Simply put, children who stay up later may get the same amount of sleep each night as those who go to bed at 7:00 p.m. Yet, they will get significantly less of that lovely, deep sleep. So putting your kids to bed earlier will ensure they get as much good quality sleep as possible.

Consistently going to bed at the same hour every night promotes healthy sleep patterns. Young children may benefit from a bedtime ritual that includes a bath, a story, and a good night’s sleep. On the other hand, the ritual for teens can include a conversation about the day followed by time spent alone resting before putting the lights out.

4. Prioritize oral health

In the United States, cavities are one of the most common oral health problems among children. Cavities that go untreated can cause pain and infections, which can even hurt a kid’s ability to speak properly, bite, and chew. Studies also reveal that children with poor dental health miss more school and have lower scores.

Make brushing your child’s teeth fun by singing a few songs and spicing up fun. Instruct your kids to clean their teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, following the 2 x 2 rule. Also, take your child to the dentist at least twice a year.

5. Protect their skin

The summer sun is not good for kids. UV rays can damage their skin big time. Parents should keep their infants under six months out of direct sunlight if possible. In addition, it is a good idea to have your kids wear caps and lightweight clothing that protects their arms and legs.

It bears worth mentioning that newborns overheat easily. So keep an eye on them for dehydration symptoms. FDA advises against the use of sunscreen on babies younger than six months. All kids over six months old should wear sunscreen.

6. Teach kids to regularly wash their hands

Preventing diseases begins with frequent, thorough hand washing with soap and water. When children come into contact with bacteria, they can readily transfer them, especially if your kids have a habit of scratching their noses or wiping their eyes.

One way to instill the habit of handwashing in your children is to talk to them about germs, how they can make us sick, and how washing hands helps eliminate them. Use simple language and age-appropriate explanations. Better still if you let your children pick out their hand soap and provide colorful towels to dry their hands after washing.

If washing hands is not an option, using a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol is the next best way to kill germs.


The significance of instilling healthy habits in children cannot be overstated. By cultivating healthy habits early in life, children are better equipped for a healthier adulthood. It minimizes the risk of chronic conditions and promotes a quality living standard. Raising healthy children requires patience and adaptability as we navigate the changing landscape of their needs. Each child is unique, and as parents, we must tailor our approach to suit their personality.


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